Photography Project Proposal

For my project, I plan to take photographs that would place the background of the image in the background. This may include but is not limited to skies, trees, and buildings. Many times, the main focus of a picture is placed in the foreground or on people, and I felt that emphasising the background of a photograph would create a nice and enchanting overall effect. I have always enjoyed taking pictures that placed most of the attention of the sky, whether it was of cloudy days or of sunsets. This project is executable within the period of time since every picture would definitely have a foreground and background. The idea I came up with to place emphasis on the background is to make the subjects in the foreground grayscale and only colour the background. The editing process following the capture of the picture would be quite a challenge to me since I am unfamiliar with touching up to images.

Another possible topic for my project is capturing the moments of stray animals, such as pigeons and cats. In Singapore, these two types of animals are daily sightings and we got so used to seeing them that we often fail to notice the beauty that some of their actions possess. Since the strays are so commonly found, it would not be difficult to capture an image of them. It is challenging, however, to take a photograph that would depict the animal's characteristics, for example the gracefulness of a cat. It would take time wait for the right moment and snap the perfect picture.

Next, taking photographs of crowds is a topic that interests me as well. I find it interesting to make a bustling scene become still through a snap of a picture. The picture would show the picture of the busy crowd, yet at the same time I believe it would have a sense of serenity. Though travelling to places where crowds are found, such as tourist attractions, would take time, it would be necessary to capture the pictures to complete the project should this be the chosen topic.

Lastly, I will attempt to take photographs of skies that have unique cloud patterns or beautiful lights.

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